Software Development
Building Complete Web Applications with Django
Web Applications with Django: Building Multiple Apps in a Project
Web Applications with Django: Developing REST APIs
Web Applications with Django: Introducing the Django Web Framework
Web Applications with Django: Models and Class-based Views
Web Applications with Django: Using Built-in and Custom Applications
Web Applications with Django: Working with Models

Web Applications with Django: Building Multiple Apps in a Project

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Web Applications with Django: Building Multiple Apps in a Project

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • incorporate an image within a Django model
  • identify the location of stored media in your Django project directory
  • define the template for multiple different but related applications within the same Django project
  • develop a URL pattern for two different but related apps in a Django project
  • configure applications that allow users to select checkboxes and submit their selections
  • create an application that accepts a selection of checkboxes from the user and emails it to the user using the send_mail() function
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

A Django project is simply a web application consisting of one or more apps within it. Django's features ensure you can link multiple related project apps, create apps that accept and store user information, and trigger actions, such as sending emails. In this course, you'll practice carrying out these tasks in Django. You'll start by illustrating how images are incorporated within Django models, displayed on a web page, and stored on a file system while their paths are saved in the database. Next, you'll implement multiple separate but related apps within a Django project. Finally, you'll learn how to ensure a user's selection from a set of checkboxes is stored by your model and work with a user's email credentials to send them an email.


Prerequisites: none

Web Applications with Django: Developing REST APIs

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Web Applications with Django: Developing REST APIs

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • install the Django REST framework and create a Django model to serve API requests
  • create a REST API with a route that responds to GET requests
  • issue GET requests to your Django app and analyze the responses that are generated
  • develop an application so that a Django model instance is created for data sent through POST requests
  • use HEAD and OPTIONS requests and test the validation of POST requests
  • create a custom class that takes in an ID for a model instance and returns details of that instance
  • create a custom class which accepts data in a PUT request and uses it to update a resource
  • build an API to return images in response to a GET request
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

Among Django's many out-of-the-box tools is the REST Framework package, which includes libraries to build APIs. In this course, you'll install and work with this package to allow users to access and submit data to your web application. You'll start by defining a simple model whose instances can be accessed and manipulated using REST APIs. To make this happen, you'll use the built-in Django ModelSerializer class. You'll then wire up your Django REST API to return a list of JSON values from your Django model whenever a GET request is sent. You'll also use the Django REST framework's built-in web UI and the curl command-line utility to send POST requests to submit data to the server and use it to create model instances. Moving on, you'll briefly examine the use of HEAD and OPTION requests before wrapping up with a short exploration of PUT and DELETE requests.


Prerequisites: none

Web Applications with Django: Introducing the Django Web Framework

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Web Applications with Django: Introducing the Django Web Framework

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recall the individual steps involved in sending a web request to the server and receiving a response
  • identify the importance of web frameworks in the fast development and prototyping of web applications
  • recognize the building blocks that Django provides to develop web applications
  • identify important Django components that receive and process user requests
  • list the use cases of Django templates, such as to create views, and identify their role in an application
  • outline the role of models in allowing programmatic manipulation of database tables
  • classify the purpose of the various built-in applications in Django
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

Django, an advanced Python web framework, allows quick development of secure and sustainable websites. In this course, you'll discover how Django web requests work, which will involve using HTTP protocols, formatting content as HTML pages, using web servers to process requests, and distinguishing between static and dynamic websites. Moving on, you'll identify the steps involved in creating websites, which include reusing HTML elements over multiple pages on a website, customizing user experience by maintaining sessions, and querying databases for content. Next, you'll explore the features provided by web frameworks, particularly Django, that support and greatly simplify all these operations. You'll also investigate the use of Django templates. Finally, you'll become familiar with the migration process within Django and the use of the Django Model class to create subclasses that map to tables in a relational database.


Prerequisites: none

Web Applications with Django: Models and Class-based Views

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Web Applications with Django: Models and Class-based Views

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • perform various select-from-where operations on the data stored as instances in a Django model class
  • use the ListView view class to access all the data stored in a Django model class as a list of records
  • use the DetailView view class to access a specific instance of a Django model
  • use the CreateView built-in view class to create a new instance of a Django model
  • use the UpdateView built-in view class to update already created instances of a Django model class
  • use the UserPassesTestMixin and other code in the Django template language to allow only active users or super users to perform specific operations
  • use the DeleteView built-in view class to remove specific instances of a Django model
  • define various HTML tables to improve the aesthetics of pages, which allow interactions with Django model instances
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

The robust websites and apps produced using Django suggest a much more complicated framework than is used. In this course, you'll build on your existing Django knowledge to perform some Django template language operations. You'll start this course by performing various query operations on your Django model instances from the Python shell. You'll also use the Django admin website to work with your models. You'll implement class-based views in Django, first using the ListView class to view multiple instances of a model before using the DetailView class to view individual records. Moving along, you'll use CreateView and UpdateView to generate and modify instances and implement a DeleteView for their easy removal. You'll round off this course by briefly exploring how to improve the aesthetics of your class-based views by incorporating HTML elements, such as tables, in their corresponding templates.


Prerequisites: none

Web Applications with Django: Using Built-in and Custom Applications

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Web Applications with Django: Using Built-in and Custom Applications

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • create a virtual Python environment and install Django in that environment
  • generate a new Django project and explore the built-in Django admin app
  • link Django to a SQLite database and perform migrations to that database
  • define a view and a URL pattern in Django in order to render text in a web page
  • generate a new app within a Django project and test out that app
  • define a view which renders an HTML file in its response
  • create and apply Django templates in a page in a web site
  • develop inherited Django templates for a website
  • create several child Django templates which inherit from a parent template
  • develop and illustrate the use of Django URLs, views, and templates for a web site
  • create a superuser for your Django project and sign in to the Django user administration app
  • illustrate the use of staff and super users in the Django user administration app
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

The Django web framework simplifies creating websites and REST APIs through a wide variety of built-in features. In this course, you'll learn how to use some of these built-in features to create websites and apps. You'll start by installing the Django web framework inside a virtual environment. You'll then explore Django's out-of-the-box features, including the project structure, the shell, and the built-in admin app. Next, you'll build a Hello World website using a custom Django app. This process includes defining a URL that maps to a view, which then returns an HTTP response that can be viewed from a browser. Moving on, you'll explore the use of Django templates, which includes the use of base and derived templates. Finally, you'll work with the built-in admin app, examining how to administer users and groups and assign permissions.


Prerequisites: none

Web Applications with Django: Working with Models

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Web Applications with Django: Working with Models

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • define a Django model and create a migration script for that model
  • migrate a Django model to a database and register a model with the Django user administration site
  • wire up a form to create instances of a Django model and create a view for a web page through which users can fill in the form
  • define the URL and template file for the user registration page for a Django application
  • define the URL and template file for a sign-in page and test out the features in that page
  • implement authentication on a sign-in page and convey notifications to your website's users by using Flash messages
  • develop a different web page to be returned to signed-in users of your Django website
  • create the view and template for a basic logout page for the logged in users of your website
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

Creating websites and REST APIs is simplified through Django's built-in features. In this course, you'll learn how to use some of these features to build highly-performant websites and apps. You'll begin by examining how Django models are defined, migrated to a linked database, and registered with the built-in admin app. You'll then move on to using the Django ModelForm base class, which allows you to create a web page to create instances of your Django model. You'll then explore how to create a sign-in page for your Django website users and present signed-in users with a different view of the site. Finally, you'll cover how users can be allowed to sign out of your website.


Prerequisites: none

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